EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Jake Karfield
Day Sat - Con Day 4 - 2014-08-23
Room Panel Room 7 — 30225
Start time 16:00
Duration 01:30
ID 417
Event type Other
Track Games | Social
Language used for presentation English

VapeFurs Meet-Up

Vapers/e-cig users meet-up in the smoking lounge, if possible. There will be a cloud chasing show-off for those interested, but can just as well show up to show off their mods, atomizers, etc. Or just have a great time with a drink and their favorite flavor. 18+ only

Vapers/e-cig users meet-up in the smoking lounge, if possible. There will be a cloud chasing show-off for those interested, but can just as well show up to show off their mods, atomizers, etc. Or just have a great time with a drink and their favorite flavor. 18+ only